
    As the name suggests WDM Wrapper is a universal windows driver model (WDM) wrapper for the Linux operating system (x86 only). Its goal is to provide alterative driver support for hardware that is either not supported at all or not supported very well in Linux.

How could WDM Wrapper help the Linux community?
  • By combining DirectX supporting display drivers with Wine it could help support games and other DirectX based applications.

  • Many Linux drivers cover only a subset of the features of a device. The Auzen X-Plosion 7.1 DTS Connect, based on the C-Media CMI8770 chipset, is a good example of this. Since Dolby and DTS do not intend to open their source, the Dolby and DTS hardware encoding features of this card are useless in Linux. By using the windows binary drivers we can get around this issue.

  • Though native Linux drivers are obviously preferred over using a wrapper there may be cases where it is either not likely or not possible that a native Linux driver will ever become available.
NOTE: This project is NOT meant to discourage writing native Linux drivers.
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